04 January 2012


Looking around on the Internet I found a little blog. Reading around I found an small post on Time.

What IS Time?
I'd say Time is the fourth dimension, the one we (as human beings) can observe, but have no influence on, we can't change it, we can't hold on to it, we can't even comprehend it entirely.

Look at the escape button.
Now look at the escape button again.
The escape button you see now is not the exact same button you saw first, it's parameter 'Time' has changed. This results in never being able to have the exact same thing again if you take Time in account.
You'll have to be satisfied with only having the exact same molecules again. Maybe not exactly the same molecules, because even those change over time. No, the exact same concept...

Will we ever be able to travel to the past?
I think not.
Well, I think not, unless we start a new Timeline, a new universe so to speak. (yes, I support the multiverse theory).
Why do I think so?
Just the paradox you can create by travelling in Time and by doing so disabling yourself from doing so is terrifying (I think it is). The only possible  way out of this is splitting the Timeline in one where you disappear the moment you travel and one where you appear in the past and change everything.

Will we be able to travel to the future?
Easy enough, just by being.
Other ways may be freezing yourself in and defreezing at the required moment, being warped to the future or any other science-fictiony way of getting there.

Any other Time related questions may be asked...


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