27 July 2012

Magical additions

After posting my previous post on this matter I remembered I forgot some things.

For example the wands/staffs many link to magicians.

In my opinion I think they don't hold any real power by themselves, they merely are a way of focusing. For example instead of visualizing yourself focusing on something you can use for example a wand to point at what you're doing  and it will help you keep your focus.
Of course some may "cheat" and add some life power or some thinking abilities to it so it helps out with performing the magic I'm describing (more on that in a future post).

Of course, once you figure out the atomic changing you can do pretty much anything.
You could, for example, figure out how an eye is build, figure out how it's connected to the rest of the body and give yourself a third eye.
You could improve your body, you could adjust things that never were adjustable before... but this would be very dangerous as you could accidentally kill you in the process.
This atomic fiddling is of course not the easiest thing to do, so only great masters of concentration would be able to do this.

Also knowing that most magic is basically the manipulation of energy big magician cities should have some kind of energy pool, a central place that can store energy for magicians to use. The hardest part of having this is being able to use it from a distance. Your spirit is in general only able to manipulate energy in your body. A magician is already able to manipulate things outside his body, still close enough to focus on.
Anyone wanting to use the energy pool needs to be able to focus on (reach with his spirit to) that energy pool. The easiest way to circumvent this problem is to come closer to the pool, so you can easier access it or carry some container with you or using your body as one. The last one is again very dangerous, as you could drain too much from your body and die from it (gee, I've got a lot of dieing in this post...).

Anyways, there will be at least one more post on this subject, but not now.

Until the next one.


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