26 November 2012


I saw an abomination a few days ago.

It was a Macbook Air.

Not that it's a Macbook, not even because it's the way-too-slimmed-down version on it. It was because the owner (a nitwit to be honest) installed Windows7 on it.
No, he did not install Win7 via a virtual machine. Win7 is since the installment his main operating system. I'll let this sink in for a minute.

I can accept that he (the owner of the laptop(I can't even call it a Macbook anymore)) is using Apple hardware because he can afford it and thinks it's superior, and I can accept that he thought Win7 is the OS he can cope with best and fits his requirements, but those 2 things are not meant to ever be together in one laptop.
 I can imagine that the guy who got the assignment of installing Win7 as the main OS on that Macbook felt like he had to do a hellish task, because someone who's capable of doing such things should know what monster it will become.

Not that it ran badly, no, it started up like any newly bought laptop would do. It's just the moment someone told him to bringing up the context menu he started wondering how to accomplish such a thing without a mouse.
You see, Apple has a few was to accomplish this where Windows has right-click. You could for example press "ctrl" and click at the same time. It would've worked, but Win7 doesn't recognize this. Windows on the other hand has the open-context-menu-button on the right of the space bar, but sadly Macbooks lack that kind of feature.
This, combined with the fact that the poor owner doesn't really understand computers at all made me feel like I've seen an act of defiance to all the good that is in this world.

It was such a horrible thing that I wanted to share this so you would know to avoid this kind of things.


PS: I may have exaggerated with my feeling over a simple right-click function, but please, for the sake of all that is good, remember that 2 good things together may become much worse that they were good.

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