08 May 2012

The Other R*****, Part 2

Well, I already made a post on this. Now I have received an answer from Comet:
Well, to put it simply, it's hate speech.
Hate speech that has been diffused throughout the west and has lost some of its impact, but hate speech nonetheless, and that is not lost on those the word targets.

I'll put it like this; if the word nigger became prevalent across the west (again) and was used in common conversation, and lost some of its impact, would you expect black people to not be offended? And people are offended even if you don't use it around them, as you're still promoting the idea that such speech is acceptable.

I remember you said that even if we stop using the word retard, another word will take it's place, but unless we try and stop the use of such language in the first place things are unlikely to get any better, and at the least we can make the use of such language less common. Thank you for changing your name. 
(I did make it a bit more readable, but it's mostly copied out of my inbox).

In the thread where the discussion started he said: "Why won't you call yourself 'TheOtherNiggerFag', see how that turns out."
I won't call myself 'TheOtherNiggerFag' because I have nothing to do with the word Nigger, and I don't identify myself with people with a darker skin. Not that I will avoid them, I have friends that are pretty much "chocolate brown" and I have no problem being seen with them. (Some exceptions are made when it's late at night and I'm walking to my home when a group of 15 of them, dressed as New-Timey Gangsters, stares at me), nor do I relate myself to the group of Fags (Yes, one of my best (male) friends has a boyfriend and I'm completely okay with that. As long as they remain decent in the presence of other people (as ANY couple should do)).

I mostly relate to the group of Retards, acting 'stupid' (in the eyes of other people) for no particular reason, being happy with the smallest thing they receive, ...
If I could I'd like to share some of my IQ with my mentally retarded nephew so he could see the world a bit more like we do (but on the other hand I don't think he'll be as happy as he is now with that gift...).
I care about anyone who has a disadvantage in any way, as I know they'll be pretty much picked on by the first bully they meet (children can be evil to each other once they find a weak spot).

In any way I'll keep my name as 'TheOtherRetard' unless the website's Admins say otherwise, next will be 'ThOR' (with that exact capitalization) and if that's not available I'll figure out something different.

I think that's all I have to say on this theme...

Thank you for reading.


1 comment:

  1. Hello, I completely agree with you. If ur name was "theothenigger" or "theotherfag" then ye mabye it might be offensive to some people, but even then I have one solution to Comet and a person offended by the name:
    Its the Internet, Deal with it. You may come across names that may offend you, but its not good to always take those things the wrong way.

    possibly If you staight up called someone a retard, mabye that might not be a great idea, however I am a retard and I know it :D and if you called me one, who cares!

