As many of you probably have heard or argued: Minecraft looks a lot like Lego. It invites for creativity, with a couple of blocks and some imagination you can make interesting stuff and the possibilities are almost endless.
Now Minecraft and Lego are getting even closer together.
Lego recently launched a new service, called Cuusoo where subscribers can post ideas for "the next lego product". After some heavily supported ideas of the Minecraft community Mojang decided to add their own entry. Mojang also encourages the community to come up with creative ideas on what could be possible done with Lego, as some already have showed.
How well was the response for the Mojang entry? Well, it got the required 10.000 supports in less than 2 days and caused at least 3 server crashes at Lego because of high traffic.
The Lego Cusoo team responded the Minecraft idea went on to the "review phase" where a professional Lego Jury will examine the concept on general Marketing strategies (as any other Lego product must go through). It may take 2 weeks before a go/no-go decision will be made.
After this comes the Design phase, a Production run and finally the release after several months.
This may seem a long time, but hey, you'll be able to play Minecraft even in Real Life!
by The_Other_Retard
Weekly Snapshot 49
As promised a Weekly Snapshot got released again. Now sheep eat grass so their wool regrows, the farmland problems got fixed together with some bugs and last but not least: Languages got added.
Now for the languages, they aren't finished yet, so there might be some bad translations, some may be missing and some may be just plain ridiculous. Originally Jeb relied on the entire internet for help on translating the stuff, but since the entire internet isn't famous for being nice the file got griefed and it became limited to dedicated members of the community.
Client .jar is for download here
Server .jar is for download here
For anyone wondering: the version number is YYwWWx, where YY is the current year, WW is the current week (yes, it's the 49th week already) and x is "a", but may turn to "b" or even "c" if there are more snapshots released in that week...
Mojang News - Account Overhaul
As Mojang is expanding, developping new games and attracting more people they decided to improve their account system, so it will be useable with all Mojang Games (Cobalt, Scrolls and maybe future ones).
With the new account system Players will be able to have multiple profiles on one account.
The sign in name will be the e-mail adress, while profile names will be changeable but they will be unique for every Mojang game. There's been a discussion going on on Reddit for anyone who wants to comment on it. A problem that surfaced was the whitelisting of accounts: if you change your name you may not be whitelisted on your server anymore (Mollstam is looking into it).
The reason for this change is to keep it simple for people playing minecraft and want to play other Mojang games and to be able to have several Minecraft profiles under the same roof.
This account change will happen some time soon, so Cobalt will be able to use it, while the almost 18 million (4 million of them premium) Minecraft accounts may optionally (starting an undefined date) do this until a big overhaul early next year.
What's going on with Minecraft?
Notch may still be on vacation playing Skyrim (as stated by himself at the end of an interview), but Jeb is giving Minecraft the development that was promised us. He has rementioned a idea that was mentioned by Notch some time ago: in-game books with customiseable content. This will be helping adventure map maker a lot, since they wouldn't need to cover entire walls in signs or add a load of message.txt files to their maps so they can tell a story (maybe even custom made paintings that notch has mentioned to have the same file-handling system).
Minecraft Pocket edition for Android was on sale for 10 cents in euro's, pounds or dollars for a day. A survival mode for the Pocket edition is officially anounced, but they warned it will be a bit different from the PC version to fit the touch interface. No dates are anounced yet.
Reviews keep praising Minecraft and not just on the usual Gamer websites. Wednesday was announced Minecraft received the first place in the TIME's Top 10 Games of 2011, rated higher than Portal 2, Skyrim and Battlefied 3.
That's about all for this week, I'll be back next week with more news
I hope the HTML codes translate well when posting
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